Ezra was a scribe and priest in Israel who many scholars believe not only wrote the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, but First and Second Chronicles. He was likely the editor of a portion of the Psalms and may have even written Ps 119. Ezra was trained in the law and earned the favor and trust of King Artaxerxes who granted him civil authority, along with the priestly authority he already possessed. Ezra served a God he knew well by leading God’s people in corporate worship.
Today, the church needs worship leaders like Ezra - trained, knowledgeable, trustworthy and bi-vocational. We need leaders who are respected inside and outside the church, know God, love His word and will disciple His people in rich biblical corporate worship.
At The Ezra Worship Initiative, we want to help young aspiring worship leaders explore the vision for a lifetime of bi-vocational worship ministry. It is our commitment to train and mentor these young men and women to be informed by all of Scripture, to combine the worship of the past with the new expressions of contemporary worship, and to do it all in a relational Christian community.
George has been a bi-vocational worship leader since college. He and his wife Carol met in Young Life and have been involved with that ministry for years. Together, they have been leading mission trips to the Dominican Republic for 15 years. They have three grown children and two grandchildren. George enjoys golf, good food, all kinds of music and playing in a band with Stu. He is an ordained elder in the PCA. In his spare time, he is an ear, nose and throat surgeon in Decatur.
Stu has been the Worship director at Decatur Presbyterian Church (PCA) since 2010. Prior to this he served for 7 years as a bi-vocational worship leader for Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Tampa, Florida. He is an ordained Deacon in the PCA. Stu was born in Wisconsin, raised in Miami and married his childhood sweetheart Lory. They have two adult children. He enjoys camping, overlanding, hiking, choirs, computers and playing in a band with George.
Rick is the Associate Pastor of Decatur Presbyterian Church. A native of Louisiana, He has a Business Administration degree from Southeastern Louisiana University and a Master’s of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary. Prior to entering seminary, Rick and his wife Betsy served 20 years with Athletes in Action (a ministry of CRU) at Auburn and Mississippi State Universities. They have four adult children and one granddaughter. Rick enjoys hunting, fishing, training Labrador Retrievers and is one of the most encouraging people you will ever meet.
Matthew is a bivocational worship leader and teacher. Graduating from Auburn University with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and a Bachelor of Arts in music, he also has a masters degree in music (Merit) from Keble College, University of Oxford. He currently teaches English and directs the choir at an area high school. An accomplished bassist and guitarist, Matthew also plays piano and drums. He also enjoys cooking, photography and painting.
Jesse is the Administrative Director at Decatur Presbyteian Churh. Born and raised in rural Kentucky, he felt called to ministry at 14 and has dedicated his life to serving the church. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from Samford University, an M.Div. from Denver Seminary, and a D.Min. from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Jesse spent many years pastoring Baptist churches in Texas and Alabama before transitioning into the PCA. He also has over a decade of experience leading worship for churches and retreats.
Jesse is married to Anna, and they have four children: Erika, Hall, Simeon, and Rosie. He enjoys playing music, hiking, and baseball with his kids.
When you give, you are helping raise up the next generation of worship leaders for God’s people. Your gift will go toward their theological, musical, technological and spiritual training. We really appreciate your support.
May 20, 2024 - July 28, 2024.
Yes. $300/week for a total of $3000.
No, all materials will be provided at no cost to the student.
Ezra will cover the air fare to and from the Dominican Republic as well as in-country transportation costs, meals (breakfast, lunch, and supper) and lodging. Personal snacks, airport meals and lunch on the shopping day as well as souvenir, passport and medical insurance costs will not be included. Please check with your current insurance carrier for your options for international travel medical insurance.
Yes. Please apply and/or update your information immediately if you do not have a valid passport.
No, all housing will be provided at no cost to the student.
Although you don’t have to be a member, it is expected that an intern will fully invest in DPC throughout the entirety of the program.
We would ask you to give your full attention and time to the internship.
A Certificate program is seminary level instruction, designed to provide short, concise studies that target a specific area of learning for the student that desires personal growth in that field.
We will cover the theology of worship, leadership, sound/technology and musicianship.
You will complete all 4 classes required for a Certificate of Worship Ministry from Birmingham Theological Seminary.